NSU hosted the first YADRO Winter School “Programming for RISC-V”

Translartion. Region: Russians Fedetion –

Source: Novosibirsk State University – Novosibirsk State University –

The winter school began long before the in-person stage — with a course of lectures on RISC-V architecture. Throughout January, students who passed the selection listened to lectures from professionals in an online format. After the lecture stage, testing was conducted, in which more than 300 people from all over the country took part. Based on its results, participants were selected for the project stage, which took place in person from February 3 to 8. All of them showed a very high level of preparation.

— We are formulating the following goals for the Winter School: on the one hand, we certainly wanted the students to have more knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of RISC-V as a promising technology and as a technology that is interesting to YADRO as a company. On the other hand, we believe that within the framework of the Winter School, students have the opportunity to acquire skills in a fairly short period of time that will be useful to them when they are selected for the summer internship "Impulse", which will take place this year. In a broad sense, the goal is to provide technologies and prepare for selection for an internship in the company, — noted Mikhail Salamatov, Head of the Department for Development of Educational Programs at YADRO.

At the in-person stage, NSU gathered not only students from our university, but also guests from the Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics and universities of St. Petersburg. There were 15 participants in total. NSU was represented by guys from Faculty of Information Technology And Faculty of Mechanics and MathematicsNext year, there are plans to attract students from other specialized faculties of NSU.

— Throughout the preparation stage and during the Winter School, many technical problems related to the distributed format of the Winter School were solved: the school was held simultaneously in several clusters across the country. The participants were able to offer original solutions to complex project tasks, got acquainted with the new, previously unfamiliar RISC-V architecture and gained tremendous experience in working in a team. I believe that we, as organizers, also gained a lot of experience in holding such events. I really hope that next year we will hold the Winter School at NSU with even more active participation of students from other regions, — said Alexander Vlasov, PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology for Master's Degree, Head of the YADRO Laboratory at NSU, Director of the RISC-V Winter School.

Over the course of 6 days, teams worked on a research project under the guidance of their mentors and then presented the results of their work. The project topics were known in advance. Participants had to choose one of the topics when registering for the Winter School. Selection for project work consisted of passing an online test, where the participant had to demonstrate that they had the knowledge necessary to complete the project they had chosen.

NSU projects that the participants worked on:

-Watermark Risk-B;

-Butstrap risk-B;

– Benchmark for a processor based on the RISC-V architecture.

— Our team implemented the project “Watermark RISC-V” — creation of a steganography method for detecting sources of leakage of private software written in RISC-V.

Participation in the Winter School broadened my horizons and deepened my understanding of the principles of hardware operation. I gained experience working with microcomputers based on a processor with a young and promising RISC-V architecture, which I had not encountered before.

It is nice that the university holds events on such interesting topics. This will help students decide what they are interested in, as well as start taking the first steps in their career. The project part of the Winter School was held in a friendly, pleasant atmosphere, working on the tasks was quite exciting. I think each student gained valuable experience that will be useful in the future, – shared his impressions Zhora Babayan, a participant of the Winter School, a 4th-year student of the Faculty of Information Technology of NSU.

— Our team's goal was to study a miniature operating system written for x86 processors and port it to the open RISC-V architecture. There were many difficulties during the project. Among other things, we had to learn how to run at least some code on RISC-V, which took us a lot of time, and also read a couple dozen lines of code written in assembler and figure them out. There were many tasks, but little time. We managed to do some things, and had to abandon others. But I'm happy with the results!

Apart from me, everyone on the team was from NSU. All the guys were very strong, so we easily split into groups and worked in parallel. We were also very lucky with the project curator – NSU lecturer Dmitry Valentinovich Irtegov – a man with a huge store of knowledge, who could answer any question posed.

Participation in the Winter School was a very interesting experience for me, including because of the new location for me. Compared to St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk (or rather, Akademgorodok) has much more snow, and it is much cleaner, which was a pleasant surprise for me. There are also many more trees and much less noise and city bustle, – Alexander Sergeev, a 3rd-year student of the ITMO Faculty of Information Technology and Programming, a member of the Bootstrap RISC-V team, said about his experience of participating in the YADRO Winter School.

All students who defended their projects were given the opportunity to continue working on them within the YADRO laboratory at NSU.

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Dialogue between science and government

Translartion. Region: Russians Fedetion –

Source: Peter the Great St Petersburg Polytechnic University – Peter the Great St Petersburg Polytechnic University –

A working meeting of representatives of regional executive authorities with a delegation of the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia (AIRR) was held in the Government of St. Petersburg. The event was dedicated to discussing issues of developing intellectual property, innovation and support for high-tech projects in the regions.

Key government and business representatives addressed the participants with welcoming remarks. Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Industrial Policy, Innovation and Trade of St. Petersburg Dmitry Prozherin emphasized the importance of developing innovative infrastructure and protecting intellectual property for the region's economic growth. Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, Chairman of the specialized commission on investments and the city branch of "Business Russia" Dmitry Panov noted the need to create favorable conditions for investment and the introduction of new technologies.

Head of the Center for Strategic Communications of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Federal Institute of Industrial Property” Daria Shipitsyna spoke about measures of state support in the field of intellectual property.

Head of the regional direction of AIRR Dmitry Mitroshin gave a report on the development of the intellectual property system at the regional and federal levels. He emphasized the importance of integrating efforts to create a unified strategy in this area. Representatives of various regions of Russia shared their experience in intellectual property management, as well as successful cases of implementing innovative solutions.

Of particular interest was the speech by the director of the SPbPU Center for Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Ismail Kadiev. He proposed creating a regional center for intellectual property and technology transfer, which would become a platform for interaction between science, business and government. The initiative was supported and enshrined in the final document of the meeting.

Natalia Petrova, Chairperson of the Board of the Intellectual Property Development Fund and CEO of the Patent and Legal Firm NEVA-PATENT LLC, spoke about the implementation of effective mechanisms for regulating intellectual property in the country's regions. She noted that competent management of intellectual assets helps to increase the competitiveness of regions and attract investment.

The delegation visited the innovation infrastructure facilities of St. Petersburg, including JSC Technopark of St. Petersburg. The participants familiarized themselves with the work of the Prototyping Center, the regional engineering center for electronic instrumentation, the laboratory of the regional engineering center for active pharmaceutical substances (RIC APS), and the demonstration site of Russian vendors.

The event was an important step in strengthening cooperation between regions and federal structures in the field of intellectual property and innovation. Participants expressed confidence that such initiatives will contribute to the development of high-tech industries and increase the competitiveness of the Russian economy.

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Happy International Day of Women and Girls in Science!

Translartion. Region: Russians Fedetion –

Source: State University of Management – Official website of the State –

We recently celebrated Russian Science Day and three days later we are returning to this topic again, but with a different holiday – International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

The United Nations is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the day this year and the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration affirming the full realization of the human rights of women and girls as an integral, indivisible part of universal human rights and fundamental freedoms. The theme for this year’s day is “Opening Careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM): Her Voice in Science.”

Women scientists have been known for quite a long time: the ancient Egyptian physician Peseshet, the ancient Greek female astronomer Aglaonica, Hypatia of Alexandria – a philosopher, mathematician and mechanic. During the Age of Enlightenment, the role of the fair half of humanity in science expanded significantly, but this was not considered the norm at all. In the 19th century, most of the most prominent female scientists were Russian women. The most famous of them was Sofia Kovalevskaya – the world’s first female doctor of mathematical sciences and university professor. But let’s also remember Nadezhda Suslova – the first in the world to receive a doctorate in medicine, Yulia Lermontova – the first doctor of chemistry, Maria Sechenova with two doctorates, in medicine and physiology. Of course, everyone knows the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize – Maria Sklodowska-Curie. Moreover, she also became the first person in the world to receive two Nobel Prizes. After her, only four scientists managed to do the same. Incidentally, Marie's daughter, Irene Joliot-Curie, became the first Nobel Prize laureate, being the child of previous laureates.

The last century has finally equalized the rights of men and women. Nevertheless, according to the UN, only 30% of scientists worldwide are women. Girls still make up only 28% of engineering graduates. But in the field of computer science and information technology, their number is already 40%. Therefore, it is quite possible that the day is not far off when absolute gender balance will be achieved in science.

The State University of Management congratulates its wonderful women and girls-scientists on the holiday. We wish you rapid advancement in the research areas you have chosen, victories in scientific competitions, capitalization of your intellect, as well as professional and personal happiness. Let each of you always remember that for someone you are a real sun – a vital necessity, and all together you are a whole constellation for the State University of Management – bright, attractive and mysterious.

Subscribe to the TG channel “Our GUU” Date of publication: 02/11/2025

отметили День российской науки и спустя три дня вновь возвращаемся к этой теме, но уже с другим праздником – Международным днём женщин и девочек в науке….” data-yashareImage=”https://guu.ru/wp-content/uploads/День-женщин-в-науке.jpg” data-yashareLink=”https://guu.ru/%d0%bf%d0%be%d0%b7%d0%b4%d1%80%d0%b0%d0%b2%d0%bb%d1%8f%d0%b5%d0%bc-%d1%81-%d0%bc%d0%b5%d0%b6%d0%b4%d1%83%d0%bd%d0%b0%d1%80%d0%be%d0%b4%d0%bd%d1%8b%d0%bc-%d0%b4%d0%bd%d1%91%d0%bc-%d0%b6%d0%b5%d0%bd/”>

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Yuri Trutnev visited industrial enterprises of Komsomolsk-on-Amur

Translartion. Region: Russians Fedetion –

Source: Government of the Russian Federation – An important disclaimer is at the bottom of this article.

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Yuri Trutnev visited industrial enterprises of Komsomolsk-on-Amur

As part of his working visit to Khabarovsk Krai, Deputy Prime Minister and Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the Far Eastern Federal District Yuri Trutnev visited the enterprises of PJSC UAC in Komsomolsk-on-Amur – the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Plant named after Yuri Gagarin (KnAAZ) and the production center of PJSC Yakovlev, where the Superjet-100 is assembled, and also visited the investment site for the production of the Baikal aircraft and got acquainted with the work of the Amur Shipbuilding Plant of USC. The Deputy Prime Minister was accompanied on his trip by the Governor of Khabarovsk Krai Dmitry Demeshin.

At KnAAZ, Yuri Trutnev inspected a new titanium alloy processing shop, an assembly line, including a final assembly shop for Su-35S and Su-57 aircraft, and the construction of new flight test station facilities. The implementation of the project to build facilities and new industrial capacities at KnAAZ are necessary to increase the serial production of fifth-generation aircraft. The Deputy Prime Minister was shown areas where work is being carried out within the framework of cooperation: on the import-substituting Superjet-100 and MS-21.

In the technocomplex of the production center of PAO Yakovlev, Yuri Trutnev was shown the first line in Russia for the production of doors for the import-substituted version of the Superjet – previously, these units were manufactured abroad. Doors manufactured on the new line meet the most modern aviation safety standards. A specialization center for the production of doors for other Russian civil aircraft is being created on the basis of the technocomplex.

In the final assembly shop, the director of the production center Andrey Soynov spoke about the current work and prospects of the enterprise. The center, which employs more than 1 thousand people, is preparing for the serial production of fully import-substituted Superjet-100 aircraft. The production modernization program provides for the expansion of the final assembly shop to organize a straight-through conveyor and the construction of a new hangar for the flight test station. The production capacity of the updated enterprise will be at least 20 Superjet-100 aircraft per year.

"The supply of domestic aircraft for air transportation in the Far East is our priority task. We, like no one else, understand the need to connect the cities of our region. The Yakovlev company has already concluded an agreement on the supply of Superjets to the Aurora airline, and we will make every effort to fulfill this order," Andrey Soynov emphasized.

As part of his trip to Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Yuri Trutnev visited an investment site being created for a comprehensive center for the development of regional and unmanned aviation production and the production of the Baikal light multipurpose aircraft. The construction of a production building for the assembly of the Baikal aircraft with the necessary engineering infrastructure is being carried out on the advanced development area in close proximity to the Dzyomgi airfield and the facilities of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC). Work on the site is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2025. Construction of facilities for the production of the Baikal light aircraft began in January 2024. The project is being implemented on the instructions of President of the country Vladimir Putin and as part of the long-term development plan for Komsomolsk-on-Amur, the activities of which are included in the city's master plan. Currently, the zero cycle work on the formation of the land plot is being completed, and the pouring of foundations continues. The total area of buildings and structures will be almost 10.4 thousand square meters. m. The complex will produce up to 20 aircraft per year. 80 jobs will be created.

The developer of the Baikal aircraft is the Ural Works of Civil Aviation (UZGA). The aircraft will be manufactured by UZGA subsidiary Spetsaviatekhnika LLC, a resident of the Khabarovsk priority development area. It is planned that Baikal will be equipped with a domestic VK-800 engine. This aircraft is being created to improve the transport accessibility of remote regions of Russia and to develop local air routes. The key parameters of the aircraft were determined in accordance with the requirements of regional airlines: 2 tons of payload, flight range of 1.5 thousand km, cruising speed of 300 km/h.

Yuri Trutnev also got acquainted with the work of the Amur Shipyard of USC, one of the largest shipbuilding enterprises in the Far East. During the inspection, the Deputy Prime Minister visited the slipway shop. The management of the enterprise reported on the orders under construction and prospective orders. The Deputy Prime Minister got acquainted with the progress of construction of the new dock-pontoon "Amurets" of project 65911, which is being built for the plant's own needs as part of the USC dock program.

The dock-pontoon was laid down in June 2023. Its main purpose is to ensure the removal of factory orders from the workshop and their transfer to the outfitting pier. The company has completed a large amount of work on the construction. On the dock-pontoon, the hull of which is currently being assembled on an open slipway, the assembly joints of the first three blocks have been thoroughly welded and presented to the register, and all assembly work on the fourth has been completed. In March, when the average daily temperature rises to normal, welding work on the dock-pontoon will resume, and the docking of the order hull will continue.

The plant's production program includes the construction of a floating transport dock for the transfer of plant orders to the outfitting base in Vladivostok and the reconstruction of the dockside unit of the plant's outfitting complex. This will allow the enterprise to build a promising line of ships and vessels of greater width and tonnage than is currently possible, and to transport orders to the delivery base in Primorye using its own resources.

Yuri Trutnev discussed with the General Director of the Amur Shipyard of USC Mikhail Borovsky the issues of the enterprise's workload in terms of placing orders on the Amur Shipyard's slipways for the development and maintenance of the oil and gas shelf – supply vessels and ice-class rescue vessels. The plant already has experience in building such orders: in 2018 and 2020, the plant built and handed over to the customer (OOO Gazprom Flot) two supply vessels for work with semi-submersible floating units. The built vessels belong to the highest class of automation and are capable of performing a wide range of tasks – from transporting goods and people to eliminating the consequences of natural disasters and extinguishing fires.

At the commissioning base of the Amur Shipyard of USC, work is underway to prepare for testing the multifunctional emergency rescue vessel with a capacity of 7 MW, the Kerch Strait, which is being built to operate in high latitudes and has a sufficient margin of safety for sailing in freezing non-Arctic seas.

“I always come to Komsomolsk-on-Amur with pleasure, because it is a working city. This is a city that protects our country. In this city, wonderful fighters are created, ships are built. We see how the work of the Amur Shipyard has changed. Previously, the enterprise had unresolved issues. And now, when the CEO reports that the enterprise is fully paying off its debts, that it is fully loaded with orders, this is, of course, great. This is good for Khabarovsk Krai, and for Komsomolsk-on-Amur, and for our entire country. The aircraft plant is fully loaded. Much remains to be done for small and large aviation. Work is going well on the Superjet-100 and fighters. We do not forget that we have debts to people for the construction of social facilities in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. And work in this direction will be accelerated. Now I have given a number of instructions and expect that the pace of work will be increased. The administration made a number of mistakes, including in the selection of contractors, but these miscalculations are of no interest to anyone. The main thing is that people get what they expect. We are trying to do this," Yuri Trutnev summed up the results of his trip to Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

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Teachers and students of the NSU SUNC assessed the advantages of the new school buildings

Translartion. Region: Russians Fedetion –

Source: Novosibirsk State University – Novosibirsk State University –

It was completed last summer construction of first stage facilities, including an educational building and a leisure center Specialized educational and scientific center of NSU, better known to Novosibirsk residents as the Physics and Mathematics School or FMSh.

Even at the construction stage, both the university management and representatives of the Novosibirsk Region government repeatedly emphasized that this was not just about new buildings, but about creating a new type of school using the most advanced technologies, both educational and engineering.

— No school in the country has such equipment for conducting experimental classes, and only a few schools in the world can boast of this. This allows us to conduct training at the most advanced level, which, in turn, brings victories to the students of the physics and mathematics school at world Olympiads in various subjects. This focus on the best, which is the basis of the campus project, allows us to evaluate it as a world-class facility, — emphasized Vice-Governor of the Novosibirsk Region Irina Manuilova during her latest visit to the construction site.

Six months have passed, and teachers and students have been able to verify from their own experience how the school passage itself has changed after the move and whether the generous predictions about the new type of school have come true.

— Work in the old and new buildings are as different as heaven and earth. In the old building, we organized training based on the principle of “it doesn’t matter where we gather, the main thing is that we are together and united by a common goal.” Now, we have at our disposal a multitude of tools, opportunities, and enough space to achieve maximum results in our work, — noted Roman Bredikhin, Associate Professor of the Chemistry Department of the NSU SUNC.

Large spaces become the foundation for students' creativity. They allow changing the configuration of study places in the classroom to suit the tasks of a specific lesson: separate tables for tests or exams, team tables for group work, and so on.

Another advantage was the engineering infrastructure of the academic building.

— For example, in chemical laboratories, individual equipment of workplaces is provided, right down to personal exhaust hoods and gas distribution to workplaces. This allows us to conduct experiments in an inert environment with protection from oxygen and moisture contained in the air, to carry out those syntheses and implement such projects that were unthinkable in the old building, — said Roman Bredikhin.

As a result, the school staff faced a certain challenge: the new buildings make it possible to significantly expand the scope of projects carried out by schoolchildren.

— In fact, we often suggest now: guys, let's bring your idea to life and it will be a demonstration experiment that you will leave as a keepsake at school. And this approach finds a response, — concluded Roman Bredikhin.

The students themselves agreed with his assessment of the changes in school life after the move.

— Of course, the old building had its own atmosphere, which was formed by generations of previous graduates. But I like this building more — there is an emphasis on everything new, new classrooms, recreation areas, areas for a variety of leisure activities, and most importantly — there is enough space here to be able to be creative from the heart, both in terms of studying and in creativity outside of class, — shared his opinion Kirill Volodin, a student of class 11-4.

— The area here is large and the buildings are impressive in their technological advancement. But at the same time, they are planned in such a way that everyone can find a place to immerse themselves in their project or study material, and nothing will disturb you. Of course, I, like many others, have certain pleasant memories associated with the old building, but I do not regret moving at all. I like studying in the new buildings much more, — added Polina Brezhneva, a student in class 11-5.

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Financial news: Conflict of interest management rules for NPFs

Translartion. Region: Russians Fedetion –

Source: Central Bank of Russia –

Non-state pension funds (NPF) will be required to identify and manage conflicts of interest. Funds will be able to allow a conflict to arise only if they have notified their clients about it and their rights are not violated. The corresponding Bank of Russia instructionregistered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

The document defines the rules for identifying conflicts of interest and describes specific situations that may lead to this, for example, if an NPF acquires securities of an affiliated company or makes a transaction with an associated person. Funds will have to keep mandatory records of information on conflicts of interest.

The requirements imposed on NPFs are similar to the approaches to regulating conflicts of interest of professional participants and management companies and are aimed at strengthening the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of fund clients.

The directive comes into force on February 21, 2025.

Preview photo: Thomas Bethge / Shutterstock / Fotodom

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Dmitry Chernyshenko: The creation of a network of advanced schools is a strategic step into the future of our country

Translartion. Region: Russians Fedetion –

Source: Government of the Russian Federation – An important disclaimer is at the bottom of this article.

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Dmitry Chernyshenko at a meeting of the Coordination Council under the Government for the creation of advanced general education organizations

A meeting of the Coordination Council under the Government for the creation of advanced general education organizations was held under the chairmanship of Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Administration Maxim Oreshkin and Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko.

Maxim Oreshkin recalled that President Vladimir Putin in his Address to the Federal Assembly instructed that no less than 12 advanced schools be created by 2030.

"The creation of such schools is planned in each federal district under the national project "Youth and Children". They will help prepare a personnel reserve for knowledge-intensive and high-tech sectors of the economy. This is not just a matter of building 12 more schools, it should be a strategic step into the future of our country. At a meeting of the Coordination Council under the Government of Russia, a decision was made to approve the presented concept of advanced general education organizations. It is important that within its framework, not only the scientific, educational and infrastructural component will be worked out, but also issues of educational work, teacher training and assessment of student success," noted Dmitry Chernyshenko.

The implementation of such a large-scale project requires synchronization of efforts of all participants in the process: the state, society, educational institutions and business. The Ministry of Education, together with regions, universities and social partners, is already preparing mechanisms for these changes.

Education Minister Sergei Kravtsov announced that the first three flagship schools will open in the Novgorod, Ryazan and Pskov regions.

"The project to create flagship schools is not easy, but it is very important for our country. These will be schools for talented children in all federal districts. We plan to open the first three educational organizations on September 1, 2027. Graduates will develop domestic science and economics, and we set the goal of 100% employment of students in leading companies. These institutions will become methodological centers for schools in all federal districts and will disseminate the best pedagogical practices," said Sergey Kravtsov.

Children will study in flagship schools from grades 7 to 11 and undergo annual knowledge assessment, and teachers will undergo qualification testing. Teachers will be provided with decent salaries. The creation of a network of schools involves mutual exchange between students and teachers from different regions.

First Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services Alexander Lomakin presented information on the progress of construction of advanced general education institutions in the Novgorod, Pskov and Ryazan regions. In addition, advanced schools are planned to be created in the Belgorod, Nizhny Novgorod regions and other regions.

The acting governor of the Novgorod region, Alexander Dronov, the governor of the Pskov region, Mikhail Vedernikov, and the governor of the Ryazan region, Pavel Malkov, also spoke in detail about the creation of schools.

The head of the educational foundation "Talent and Success" Elena Shmeleva noted the experience of "Sirius" in developing the federal territory around the educational center "Sirius".

The meeting was also attended by Presidential Aide Vladimir Medinsky, Rector of the National Research University Higher School of Economics Nikita Anisimov, governors of the Belgorod, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Murmansk regions, Krasnodar Krai, heads of the Republic of Crimea and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, representatives of the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Digital Development, and Rosobrnadzor.

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Financial News: Recognition of Foreign Credit Rating Agencies in Russia

Translartion. Region: Russians Fedetion –

Source: Central Bank of Russia –

The regulator has determined criteria, which a foreign credit rating agency (CRA) must comply with so that its ratings can be used in regulatory acts and other documents of the Bank of Russia. Recognition of foreign ratings will expand opportunities for the free movement of capital and services in the international financial market.

In order to receive approval from the Russian regulator, a foreign CRA must have at least 5 years of experience in the market and a capital of at least 50 million in ruble equivalent. Its methodology contains quantitative and qualitative assessments of creditworthiness, makes it possible to verify the reliability of credit ratings, including on the basis of historical data. Such an agency also adheres to the principles of corporate governance, complies with the conditions for disclosure of information and does not allow conflicts of interest. In total, the Bank of Russia has defined 19 criteria.

Ratings of foreign CRAs that meet these criteria may be used by the Bank of Russia in regulation only in relation to foreign objects rated on an international scale.

Preview photo: Kirill Neiezhmakov / Shutterstock / Fotodom

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Financial news: The deposit auction of the Moscow Small Business Lending Assistance Fund will take place on 10.02.2025

Translartion. Region: Russians Fedetion –

Source: Moscow Exchange – Moscow Exchange –


The date of the deposit auction is 10.02.2025. Placement currency is RUB. The maximum amount of funds placed (in the placement currency) is 150,000,000.00. Placement period, days 9. Date of depositing funds is 10.02.2025. Date of return of funds is 19.02.2025. Minimum placement interest rate, % per annum is 19.80. Terms of the conclusion, urgent or special (Urgent). The minimum amount of funds placed for one application (in the placement currency) is 150,000,000.00. The maximum number of applications from one Participant, pcs. 1. Auction form, open or closed (Open). Basis of the Agreement is the General Agreement. Schedule (Moscow time). Applications in preliminary mode from 12:00 to 12:10. Applications in competition mode from 12:10 to 12:15. Setting a cut-off percentage or declaring the auction invalid before 12:25.

Additional conditions – Placement of funds with the possibility of early withdrawal of the entire deposit amount and payment of interest accrued on the deposit amount at the rate established by the deposit transaction, in the event of non-compliance of the Bank with the requirements established by clause 2.1. of the Regulation “On the procedure for selecting banks for placing funds of the Moscow Small Business Lending Assistance Fund in deposits (deposits) under the GDS” (as amended on the date of the deposit transaction), early withdrawal at the “on demand” rate, payment of interest at the end of the term, without replenishment.

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Dmitry Grigorenko: The first regional services “life situations” have been launched

Translartion. Region: Russians Fedetion –

Source: Government of the Russian Federation – An important disclaimer is at the bottom of this article.

Regional services "life situations" have been launched in Russia for the first time. 85 services "life situations" have been launched on the unified portal of state services and regional portals for the provision of services, which include services provided by the subjects of the Russian Federation. With the help of the services "life situations" the time for receiving state services is reduced, as well as the number of visits to departments and documents that need to be provided.

Life situations services combine services that are needed by people and businesses in certain circumstances, provided comprehensively and in one place.

At the federal level, the "life situations" services are being implemented since 2023. 34 federal "life situations" services have already been launched. In particular, these are services for large families, replacement and restoration of documents, moving to another region, opening a business.

To date, more than 1.5 million people have used the federal “life situations” services.

Within the framework of one regional service, “life situation” has decreased on average:

– the time to receive services is almost 2 times shorter – up to 25 days;

– the number of documents that need to be submitted to departments is doubled – up to 4 units;

– the number of in-person visits to departments has increased fourfold, to one.

"Citizens are faced with the need to receive government services that are provided both at the federal and regional levels. It is important that a person receives a comfortable service regardless of whether these services are federal or regional. For this purpose, we have launched the "life situations" services, including those that combine regional services. The practice of using the most successful of them will be extended to other regions. That is, some of the "life situations" created in a specific region will become federal," commented Deputy Prime Minister – Chief of the Government Staff Dmitry Grigorenko.

For example, in the Republic of Buryatia, the service "life situation" helps in arranging care for an elderly relative at home and in providing the relative with assistance from a social worker. A person interacts with all departments in the "one-stop shop" mode on the page of the service "life situation".

The service "life situation" in the Yaroslavl region allows you to learn about the procedure for filing an application to receive the title "Veteran of Labor". The service informs about the rights arising in connection with the assignment of the status "Veteran of Labor", about the possibility of receiving regional social support measures, about the conditions for their appointment and provision.

The service "life situation" in the Ryazan region helps to undergo a medical examination and preventive examination. Thanks to the service, you can sign up for a medical examination, fill out the documents required to visit the clinic, and get information on preparing for diagnostic tests. The results of the tests are sent to the citizen's personal account on the public services portal.

The “life situations” services launched in other regions allow one to solve a wide range of social issues, such as entering college or technical school, receiving regional support measures for the birth of children, and others.

By the end of 2025, another 340 regional “life situations” services are planned to be launched. Thus, it is planned that by the end of 2025, 425 regional “life situations” services will be available.

Work on the formation and launch of the “life situations” services is being carried out within the framework of the implementation of the federal project “State for People”.

Please note: This information is raw content directly from the source of the information. It is exactly what the source states and does not reflect the position of MIL-OSI or its clients.