Translartion. Region: Russians Fedetion –
Source: Novosibirsk State University – Novosibirsk State University –
The winter school began long before the in-person stage — with a course of lectures on RISC-V architecture. Throughout January, students who passed the selection listened to lectures from professionals in an online format. After the lecture stage, testing was conducted, in which more than 300 people from all over the country took part. Based on its results, participants were selected for the project stage, which took place in person from February 3 to 8. All of them showed a very high level of preparation.
— We are formulating the following goals for the Winter School: on the one hand, we certainly wanted the students to have more knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of RISC-V as a promising technology and as a technology that is interesting to YADRO as a company. On the other hand, we believe that within the framework of the Winter School, students have the opportunity to acquire skills in a fairly short period of time that will be useful to them when they are selected for the summer internship "Impulse", which will take place this year. In a broad sense, the goal is to provide technologies and prepare for selection for an internship in the company, — noted Mikhail Salamatov, Head of the Department for Development of Educational Programs at YADRO.
At the in-person stage, NSU gathered not only students from our university, but also guests from the Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics and universities of St. Petersburg. There were 15 participants in total. NSU was represented by guys from Faculty of Information Technology And Faculty of Mechanics and MathematicsNext year, there are plans to attract students from other specialized faculties of NSU.
— Throughout the preparation stage and during the Winter School, many technical problems related to the distributed format of the Winter School were solved: the school was held simultaneously in several clusters across the country. The participants were able to offer original solutions to complex project tasks, got acquainted with the new, previously unfamiliar RISC-V architecture and gained tremendous experience in working in a team. I believe that we, as organizers, also gained a lot of experience in holding such events. I really hope that next year we will hold the Winter School at NSU with even more active participation of students from other regions, — said Alexander Vlasov, PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology for Master's Degree, Head of the YADRO Laboratory at NSU, Director of the RISC-V Winter School.
Over the course of 6 days, teams worked on a research project under the guidance of their mentors and then presented the results of their work. The project topics were known in advance. Participants had to choose one of the topics when registering for the Winter School. Selection for project work consisted of passing an online test, where the participant had to demonstrate that they had the knowledge necessary to complete the project they had chosen.
NSU projects that the participants worked on:
-Watermark Risk-B;
-Butstrap risk-B;
– Benchmark for a processor based on the RISC-V architecture.
— Our team implemented the project “Watermark RISC-V” — creation of a steganography method for detecting sources of leakage of private software written in RISC-V.
Participation in the Winter School broadened my horizons and deepened my understanding of the principles of hardware operation. I gained experience working with microcomputers based on a processor with a young and promising RISC-V architecture, which I had not encountered before.
It is nice that the university holds events on such interesting topics. This will help students decide what they are interested in, as well as start taking the first steps in their career. The project part of the Winter School was held in a friendly, pleasant atmosphere, working on the tasks was quite exciting. I think each student gained valuable experience that will be useful in the future, – shared his impressions Zhora Babayan, a participant of the Winter School, a 4th-year student of the Faculty of Information Technology of NSU.
— Our team's goal was to study a miniature operating system written for x86 processors and port it to the open RISC-V architecture. There were many difficulties during the project. Among other things, we had to learn how to run at least some code on RISC-V, which took us a lot of time, and also read a couple dozen lines of code written in assembler and figure them out. There were many tasks, but little time. We managed to do some things, and had to abandon others. But I'm happy with the results!
Apart from me, everyone on the team was from NSU. All the guys were very strong, so we easily split into groups and worked in parallel. We were also very lucky with the project curator – NSU lecturer Dmitry Valentinovich Irtegov – a man with a huge store of knowledge, who could answer any question posed.
Participation in the Winter School was a very interesting experience for me, including because of the new location for me. Compared to St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk (or rather, Akademgorodok) has much more snow, and it is much cleaner, which was a pleasant surprise for me. There are also many more trees and much less noise and city bustle, – Alexander Sergeev, a 3rd-year student of the ITMO Faculty of Information Technology and Programming, a member of the Bootstrap RISC-V team, said about his experience of participating in the YADRO Winter School.
All students who defended their projects were given the opportunity to continue working on them within the YADRO laboratory at NSU.
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