Marat Khusnullin: More than 172 thousand people have moved from dilapidated housing in the Urals Federal District

Translartion. Region: Russians Fedetion –

Source: Government of the Russian Federation – An important disclaimer is at the bottom of this article.

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Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra, the city of Uray

Active work is underway in the regions to resettle people from dilapidated housing. In particular, in the Urals Federal District, more than 2.7 million square meters of dilapidated housing have been resettled since 2019, Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin reported.

"Comfortable living conditions are one of the basic needs of a person. In Russia, on the instructions of the President, a state program was launched, thanks to which people living in dilapidated houses can move to new ones. This program is being implemented in 84 regions in all federal districts. Including in the Urals Federal District, 172.9 thousand people have moved from dilapidated housing since 2019. I would like to note the activity of the regions in resolving the issue of resettling dilapidated housing. Of the total number of resettled people, 82.2 thousand citizens improved their housing conditions under programs that are implemented at the expense of budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation," said Marat Khusnullin.

He noted that the top three regions in terms of the volume of resettled dilapidated housing were the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra (901.8 thousand sq. m), the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (805.4 thousand sq. m) and the Sverdlovsk Region (429.1 thousand sq. m).

The Ministry of Construction is the curator of the program for resettling citizens from dilapidated housing, and the operator is the PPK "Territorial Development Fund".

"Of the six regions of the Ural Federal District, three have already completed the resettlement of emergency housing, recognized as such before January 1, 2017, and have begun resettling citizens from houses recognized as unfit for habitation in the period from January 1, 2017 to January 1, 2022. These are the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs, as well as the Chelyabinsk Region, where 8.7 thousand people have been resettled from such housing with a total area of 145.6 thousand square meters," said Ilshat Shagiakhmetov, General Director of the Territorial Development Fund.

It should be noted that since 2019, the resettlement of emergency housing in the regions has been carried out within the framework of the national project "Housing and Urban Environment". Now large-scale work continues under the new national project "Infrastructure for Life" launched this year.

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Sobyanin: Overpass over SZKh near Novozavodskaya Street to be completed in 2026

Translartion. Region: Russians Fedetion –

Source: Moscow Government – Government of Moscow –

The construction of the overpass across the main route of the North-West Chord (NWCH) towards Rublevskoye Highway is planned to be completed in 2026. This was reported by Sergei Sobyanin in his telegram channel.

The 155-meter-long overpass is being built as part of the Targeted Investment Program. It will provide an exit from the residential and public areas of the Mnevnikovskaya floodplain to the main route of the North-West Chord.

“Thanks to the overpass and the new bridge across the Moskva River in line with Novozavodskaya Street, we will be able to create an additional exit to the SZH and a new route to the Filevsky Park area, to the National Space Center and the Khrunichev site of the Technopolis Moscow SEZ,” wrote Sergei Sobyanin.

According to the architects' idea, the artificial structure will harmoniously fit into the surrounding floodplain development: the same lighting masts as in the neighboring blocks will be installed on the overpass. The V-shaped supports with smooth rounding were developed individually for each span, while maintaining a uniform style.

Currently, the construction readiness of the overpass is 70 percent.

Development of the Mnevnikovskaya floodplain area

Today Mnevnikovskaya floodplain— one of the largest development centers of the city. It is planned to build about three million square meters of real estate here. The construction of a modern urban area with residential areas, educational facilities, sports centers, a surf park and numerous green recreation areas is underway.

One of the largest sports clusters in Moscow, with an area of about 500 thousand square meters, is being created on the territory of the Mnevnikovskaya floodplain. It will include an ice palace, the Alexander Ovechkin International Hockey Academy, a training center for the Russian national football team, a multifunctional building with a curling arena, as well as the CSKA basketball club and a rowing base with the necessary infrastructure.

Currently, over 200 thousand square meters of various real estate have been put into operation, including residential buildings, an educational complex for 925 students, an ice palace and other facilities.

Large-scale work continues creation of a modern transport infrastructure. In 2021, two stations of the Big Circle Line of the metro were opened in the Mnevnikovskaya floodplain: Mnevniki and Terekhovo. The reconstruction of Nizhnie Mnevniki Street (North-West Chord) was carried out with the construction of bridges across the Moskva River and locks. In December 2024, a bridge was opened across the Moskva River in line with Myasishchev Street, which connected the Filevskaya and Mnevnikovskaya floodplains, as well as an underground pedestrian crossing in the area of the junction with Myasishchev Street.

A project to develop the local street and road network is currently being implemented, within the framework of which streets will appear to provide access to residential areas under construction, sports facilities and metro stations. They are also building a road bridge across the Moskva River in line with Novozavodskaya Street, an overpass across the main route of the SZH towards Rublevskoye Highway, two bicycle and pedestrian bridges across the Moskva River to Ostrovnaya Street (Krylatskoye district) and towards Fili Park. In addition, they will make two pedestrian crossings, including one overground (across the SZH in the area of the Moskvoretsky Arboretum) and one underground (in the area of the Moskvoretsky Natural and Historical Park). The plans include the reconstruction of the embankments of the Moskva River with a total length of about seven kilometers.

In total, they plan to build 17 kilometers of roads on the territory of the Mnevnikovskaya floodplain.

Four pedestrian bridges will be built in Moscow by the end of 2027The new bridge in the Mnevnikovskaya floodplain will have spectacular arches — Sergei SobyaninSergei Sobyanin opened a unique ice palace in the Mnevnikovskaya floodplainConstruction of the International Hockey Academy continues in the Mnevnikovskaya floodplain

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More than 60 lanterns were installed near new buildings under the renovation program in the Koptevo district

Translartion. Region: Russians Fedetion –

Source: Moscow Government – Government of Moscow –

More than 60 lanterns have been installed near three residential complexes under the renovation program in the north of the capital in the Koptevo district. This was reported by the Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Urban Development Policy Vladislav Ovchinsky.

Creating a high-quality urban environment is one of the main tasks of the renovation program. The area around new buildings is being improved: comprehensive landscaping is being carried out, playgrounds and sports grounds, recreation areas are being equipped, and CCTV cameras and lights are being installed.

"Three new buildings were erected and handed over for occupancy in the Koptevo district under the renovation program. For the comfort and safety of residents, 62 outdoor lighting fixtures were installed there. The largest number of them is in the residential complex in Cherepanov Drive – 37. In 3rd Novomikhalkovsky Drive – 17, and another eight are in Sobolevsky Drive," Vladislav Ovchinsky specified.

Earlier Sergei Sobyanin congratulated The 200,000th resident who has begun resettlement under the renovation program.

All information about the renovation program is presented on the portal. You can find out more about apartments and houses under the program by link.

The renovation program was approved in August 2017. It concerns about a million Muscovites and provides for the resettlement of 5,176 houses. Earlier, Sergei Sobyanin instructed to double the pace of implementation of the renovation program.

Moscow is one of the leaders among regions in terms of construction volumes. High rates of housing construction correspond to the goals and initiatives of the national project "Infrastructure for life".

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"A Lesson in Courage": Moscow to Host a Series of Patriotic Events for Young People

Translartion. Region: Russians Fedetion –

Source: Moscow Government – Government of Moscow –

This year, Moscow will hold a series of patriotic classes for young people, "A Lesson of Courage." It will include meetings with active military personnel and veterans, quests, quizzes, and sports training. This was reported by Natalia Sergunina, Deputy Mayor of Moscow.

Citizens aged 18 to 35 are invited to join. You can choose an event and register on the portal "Youth of Moscow".

"More than 50 events dedicated to the Year of the Defender of the Fatherland have been prepared for the capital's youth. The children will learn about the history of our country and talk to heroes, gain useful skills in master classes and go on excursions," noted Natalia Sergunina.

The cycle was opened by a meeting held by participants of the special military operation (SVO) Ivan Chenin, Andrey Landin, Georgy Wilhelm and Hero of the Russian Federation Maxim Bakharev. They talked about what courage is and answered questions from the audience.

In addition, a sports lesson has already taken place with titled guests: three-time World Cup champion in kickboxing Roman Pitko, world champion in kickboxing and European boxing Svetlana Andreeva, as well as lieutenant colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and special forces trainer Sergei Gromakov.

In the near future, the children will meet veterans of the Great Patriotic War and take part in a historical quest, “Memory for Centuries,” dedicated to the events and heroes of 1941–1945. In addition, everyone is invited to a conversation with a participant of the SVO, training with famous athletes, and a master class on first aid.

The program "Lesson of Courage" was prepared by the youth community "STOlitsa".

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Moscow Mayor Congratulates Schoolchildren of the Capital on Victory in Russian Chess Championship

Translartion. Region: Russians Fedetion –

Source: Moscow Government – Government of Moscow –

Moscow schoolchildren won the Russian chess championship and became the competition leaders. This was reported by Sergei Sobyanin in on your telegram channel.

"Our guys won 12 gold, seven silver and six bronze medals. One of the best results was achieved by the students of the M.M. Botvinnik Children's and Youth Sports School of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers, who became champions in their age categories," the Mayor of Moscow wrote.

Source: Sergei Sobyanin's Telegram channel @Mos_Sobyanin 

14-year-old Nikolai Vasilkov won eight games in a row in classical chess. He beat 57 opponents and became the winner even before the final.

12-year-old Vadim Starikov won the gold medal in the classical chess category one round before the finish.

Diana Preobrazhenskaya became the best in rapid chess and blitz among schoolchildren under 15 years old.

Alisa Henrietta Junker from the Anatoly Karpov Chess School won classical chess and blitz at the age of 11.

The students of the Anatoly Karpov Chess School, the Intellect chess club, the Youth of Moscow physical education and sports association, the Bibirevo Children's and Youth Creativity Center, and the students of grandmaster Andrei Selivanov also demonstrated high levels of skill.

"Well done, we are proud! Congratulations on your well-deserved awards and I wish you new successes," he wrote Sergei Sobyanin.

Source: Sergei Sobyanin's Telegram channel @Mos_Sobyanin

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About 4.7 thousand city residents received apartments under the renovation program in the Nizhny Novgorod district of the capital

Translartion. Region: Russians Fedetion –

Source: Moscow Government – Government of Moscow –

In the Nizhny Novgorod district of the capital, about 4.7 thousand residents of old houses included in the renovation program received apartments in modern new buildings. This was reported by the Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of City Property Maxim Gaman.

"The first five-story building under the renovation program in the Nizhegorodsky District began to be resettled in February 2019. More than 170 residents of the third building of house 104 on Nizhegorodskaya Street received letters offering equivalent apartments. At the end of the following year, Muscovites from three old buildings joined them, in 2022 – from six more, and in 2023 – from 15. Now, out of 92 buildings in the district included in the current renovation program, resettlement has already affected 30. About 4.7 thousand city residents have become owners of modern housing here," said Maxim Gaman.

Thus, residents of almost a third of the houses being resettled under the renovation program have completed paperwork for apartments in new buildings.

"In the Nizhny Novgorod district, the city transferred five new buildings for resettlement of residents from 30 old houses under the renovation program. As of today, 26 buildings have been completely resettled. About 1.5 thousand residents have already moved into new apartments. The areas near the new buildings have been improved: comprehensive landscaping was carried out there, children's and sports playgrounds were equipped, as well as recreation areas for city residents," noted the Minister of the Moscow Government, head of the capital's Department of Urban Development Policy

Vladislav Ovchinsky.

Participants in the renovation program who have a full account on the portal can use the super service "Moving under the renovation program" and choose a convenient time and date for viewing the proposed housing, and after the draft contract is ready – the day for signing it. If necessary, an appointment with a notary is available – this is necessary if there are minors, persons with partial or complete incapacity among the owners. In addition, with the help of the service, you can call movers for free to move from an old apartment to a new one.

The super service also offers help in preparing for the move general instructions, noted in the capital's Department of Information Technology. From it you can find out how the relocation is organized, get information about the necessary documents for drawing up a contract, and also use links to useful services. If you configure the parameters of the move, you will be able to read the instructions for a specific life situation.

Previously Sergei Sobyanin congratulated The 200,000th resident who has begun resettlement under the renovation program.

The renovation program was approved in August 2017. It concerns about a million Muscovites and provides for the resettlement of 5,176 houses. Sergei Sobyanin instructed to double the pace of implementation of the renovation program.

Moscow is one of the leaders among regions in terms of construction volumes. High rates of housing construction correspond to the goals and initiatives national project "Infrastructure for Life".

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Schools and kindergartens: what social facilities will appear on the territory of the former Tushino airfield

Translartion. Region: Russians Fedetion –

Source: Moscow Government – Government of Moscow –

Educational facilities with an area of over 150 thousand square meters will appear on the site of the former Tushino airfield in the Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo area. The development project for the territory also provides for the construction of over 300 thousand square meters of commercial and public-business infrastructure facilities. This was reported by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Urban Development Policy and Construction Vladimir Efimov.

"The territory of the former Tushino airfield is actively developing: residential buildings are being built, social and public-business infrastructure is being created. In total, it is planned to build more than 450 thousand square meters of commercial, public-business and social infrastructure there. By now, two schools, five kindergartens and a number of sports facilities have already appeared on the territory. Four educational institutions are currently under construction, and plans include the construction of five more," Vladimir Efimov noted.

The area now has the Lukoil Arena stadium, a training base with six open football fields, the Chkalov Arena sports complex, which includes an ice rink, a multi-purpose sports hall, dance halls and other venues.

"Currently, two schools with a total of 1.7 thousand places and a total area of over 45 thousand square meters and the same number of kindergartens with a total area of over 10 thousand square meters are being built on the territory of the Tushino airfield. In addition, it is planned to build a shopping and entertainment center with an area of over 17 thousand square meters," noted the Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Urban Development Policy of the City of Moscow

Vladislav Ovchinsky.

Previously Sergei Sobyanin said on the completion of construction of a school on Volokolamsk Highway.

In 2024, 44 schools and kindergartens were built in the capital

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A modern multifunctional space will be created in Kommunarka under the KRT program

Translartion. Region: Russians Fedetion –

Source: Moscow Government – Government of Moscow –

In Kommunarka, a 3.13-hectare site will be reorganized under the integrated territorial development program (ITD). A draft of the corresponding decision already published on the portal. This was reported by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Urban Development Policy and Construction Vladimir Efimov.

"A modern multifunctional space will be created on the territory between Edvarda Griga and Lipovy Park streets. The project involves the construction of a sports cluster and other public and business facilities here. Investments in the development of the site will amount to 7.6 billion rubles, and the annual budget effect will be 169.14 million rubles. As a result, the city will receive over 270 jobs," said Vladimir Efimov.

The reorganized territory has high transport accessibility – the Potapovo metro station and the Solntsevo-Butovo-Varshavskoye Shosse highway are nearby.

"The development area of the site in Kommunarka will be 40.6 thousand square meters. It is planned to create a sports cluster here, which will include, among other things, an extreme sports center and an open sports ground. A medical center and a parking lot for 550 cars will also appear on the territory. The implementation of the project will provide local residents with the necessary infrastructure," said the Minister of the Moscow Government, head of the capital's Department of City Property

Maxim Gaman.

According to the program of integrated development of territories, multifunctional city blocks are created, where roads, comfortable housing and all necessary infrastructure are designed on the site of former industrial zones and inefficiently used areas. Currently, 302 KRT projects with a total area of about 4.2 thousand hectares are at various stages of development and implementation in Moscow. This work is carried out on behalf of Sergei Sobyanin.

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More than 1.65 million tons of recyclable materials were collected in the capital in 2024

Translartion. Region: Russians Fedetion –

Source: Moscow Government – Government of Moscow –

As part of the separate waste collection program, more than 1.65 million tons of recyclable materials were collected in the capital last year, said the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Housing and Public Utilities and Improvement Petr Biryukov.

The city has had a separate waste collection program in place for five years now. It is in demand among Muscovites and has proven its effectiveness. Thus, the amount of collected recyclable materials is growing. In 2024 alone, over 1.65 million tons of recyclable materials were sorted and sent for recycling, while before the program began in 2019, it was only 450 thousand tons.

To make the process of separate waste collection as convenient as possible, a simple two-container system was chosen.

"Branded containers with blue and grey markings have been installed in courtyards and near social facilities. Waste paper, glass, plastic and metals can be thrown into the former, and other waste can be thrown into the latter. Waste collection and removal is carried out by about one thousand garbage trucks with the appropriate colour indication," said Pyotr Biryukov.

The contents of the bins are taken to sorting plants. Here, using automatic separators and under the supervision of specialists, the recyclables are separated into dozens of components – various types of plastic and waste paper, glass of different colors, ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Then all of this is sent for recycling.

The waste separation program will continue, and participation in it remains voluntary.

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Moscow entrepreneurs used the service of targeted selection of financial support measures more than five thousand times in 2024

Translartion. Region: Russians Fedetion –

Source: Moscow Government – Government of Moscow –

In 2024, using the service "Targeted selection of financial support measures", accessible on the portal State Budgetary Institution "Small Business of Moscow" (MBM), entrepreneurs attracted over two billion rubles from the federal budget to develop their projects. This was reported inDepartment of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development the city of Moscow.

MBM specialists help entrepreneurs find suitable financial support measures at the federal level, and also explain in detail the procedure for obtaining them. In 2024, more than five thousand requests for the service were received from current entrepreneurs and aspiring businessmen.

The most popular were preferential lending programs, which accounted for 59 percent of the total amount of attracted financing. Another 32 percent were guarantees and sureties, the remaining nine percent were subsidies, grants and investments. The main recipients of support were manufacturing companies (53 percent) and enterprises in the innovation sector (10 percent).

State Budgetary Institution "Small Business of Moscow", subordinate to the capital's Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development, helps residents open and develop their own businesses in the city. In business service centers, everyone can learn about financial and non-financial measures of state support. Entrepreneurs can attend free seminars, forums and trainings that will improve their professional skills and establish business contacts.

More detailed information can be found on the portal or by phone: 7 495 225-14-14.

Support for entrepreneurs in the capital is provided within the framework of the federal project “Small and medium entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative”, which is part of the national project "Efficient and competitive economy".

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